Sharing with you the resort where we stayed during the 1st Taal Dragon Boat Race in Talisay, Batangas. It was a farm house resort that is overlooking Taal Volcano. We planned to go to Talisay a night before the race so we can have plenty of rest and sleep that is very much needed when competing. We arrived at the resort almost midnight and was amazed because the crew waited us even if we arrived too late than expected time of arrival. Haha well, what do you expect in Manila during Friday payday?! Heavy traffic off-course!
Our Room! |
Now sharing with you all the pictures taken inside the farm house resort. We had a lot of fun exploring the place. We had a great time at the pool. Priceless memories and stories to tell. We were able to know each other closer and that made it priceless. Friendship grows!
Early Dip with Jerumel, Edison, Chzarina, Paula and Jordan! |
Check these: Best view of Taal Volcano, beach resort, picnic huts by the lake, restaurants, pavilions/events venue, cabana, swimming pool, volleyball and basketball court, conference and seminar areas, fishing lagoon, ample parking area, souvenir shop and more!
Videoke Area! |
Basketball Court |
Volleyball Court |
After the race, we went back to the resort a bit late but still with high energy. We were surprised when the crew of the resort told us that we have a visitor. It was a great honor to meet the owner of the farm house resort, Ex-congresswoman Vicky. Such a great feeling when the owner, herself, find time to visit us in our room. We had a great conversation with her and off-course, we did not pass the chance to take a picture with her.
With the owner: Ex-Congresswoman Vicky. |
After the great conversation with the owner, we finally took a bath and prepared ourselves for mini-celebration party! It was such a great night with my colleagues, those laughs and stories are priceless. We ended up hitting the bed past midnight. What an awesome experience to be nourished.
Celebration Party! |